Over the last few years social media has quickly established itself as the prime medium for communication. Whether it’s for personal use or business networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and YouTUBE are providing consumers with the ability to exchange and interact with various types of media. The recent Facebook IPO solidified its existence while making its founder Mark Zuckerberg one of the wealthiest man in the world. As if he wasn’t already holding the torch of all social media. Now with over 900 million users on its network from around the globe it’s sure to be the primary channel where all communicate on daily basis.
The competition recently soared as Microsoft launched its So.cl (pronounced “Social”) social network on May 20, 2012 which aims to compete directly with its search rival Google. A network designed with everything in mind that Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest have to offer. Ironic, isn’t it? Microsoft has gone as far as offering seamless integration with FB and Twitter to ensure its users have the ability to log in with their pre-existing credentials. Perhaps worried that no early adopters will arrive? Being the geek I am and social nerd of course I ended up jumping on the bandwagon and signing up for an account to experience all the buzz for myself.
Unveiled Features of So.cl
One of the first things that you’ll be encountered with upon sign-in will be the custom feed configuration feature. This particular section enables users to customize their feed based on an interest ranging from Music, Architecture, Tech, Science and much more. Think Pinterest meets So.cl with textual capabilities instead of pinning. However you do still have the ability to pin around favorite photos and images. So.cl wouldn’t be a rival of Google+ if it didn’t offer video sessions. Equivalent to Google+ Hangouts So.cl gives its users the ability to host video parties. Perhaps your next birthday should be marked with a video party broadcasted to the masses. Additional features include the ability to follow people. Yes, that’s right a direct rip-off from Twitter spinned around and integrated into this new social newcomer.
Microsoft urges its new users to have some patience as they are growing at an overwhelming pace and certain glitches and malfunctions are bound to occur. Hence the funky messages floating around in the header area when logged into the platform.
So, there you have it. As if the social space wasn’t saturated enough with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTUBE, LinkedIn and…well, now So.cl
What are your thoughts on the social newcomer?