I started my blog back in 2009 under my name www.ivantemelkov.com with the pure intent of sharing thoughts, ideas, experiences. The ability to network with others or meet new like-minded people that shared same interest in digital marketing. It has been quite the ride over the last six years though. I’ll admit that. Met some great folks, learned quite a bit about content marketing, and got a chance to meet some new folks.
To this day, I still do own my name but it redirects to my new home at www.digitalwebstrategist.com where I reside these days. Over time with changing market trends and patterns it seemed a bit more adequate to undergo a slight rebranding exercise. Well, maybe a couple to be more precise. When playing in a saturated industry it’s imperative to continuously innovate and remain current with the times. As of today, this website operates under the Genesis Framework which I’ve come to like very much so over the last several years. Its versatility and mobile adaptation allows me to mold and shape each element into my specific liking. Something I lacked for a long time.
The last six year have been quite the ride. I’ve truly enjoyed all the exciting experiences, interactions, and conversations but the THE END is here. It is time to fold. Time to talk away. On the move to higher grounds. No, really. The site isn’t going anywhere. As a matter it’s gaining more momentum than ever before. Happy April Fool’s Day!