Delivery. On promised work. Following through on the promises you make to clients. Word is bond and to this day believe it or not considered to be a universal way of doing business. Even in other countries that lack the western world methods of business negotiation. Regardless of what industry you operate in, this principle remains a golden rule.

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There’s one thing that my father taught me about business that will stick with me forever. Deliver on what you promised. No false promises. No empty words. No sleazy sales gimmicks. 100% delivery on promises. That’s a tall order to fulfill though for majority of businesses. Some claim to have legit reasons while others are comfortable with making up lame excuses for instant gratification to their clients.

Whatever you do, avoid making false promises to your customers. They’re not stupid by any means and the last thing they want is being treated like it. Be genuine, upfront, direct, and follow through on what you promised you will do.

Now that I’m finally out on my own, a brand-new solopreneur following my passion, this really resonates to me. Why? My entire business approach revolves around ‘Promises‘ and ‘Delivery‘. If I can not delivery on what I’ve promised then it has been a failed attempt. If my customers are unhappy and unsuccessful then I have not my done my job.

Not everyone will be a good fit for your business. So it’s important to be selective about the type of clientele you choose to do business with. Maybe even specific industries will be considered as a sweet spot for you.

Whatever you do friends, deliver on promised workYour customers will deeply appreciate you for the hard work and effort put in.

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