Social Media and Search Engine Optimization play an important role to the overall performance of your website. The visibility factor and engagement with other visitors are reflected by the organic SEO and Social Media strategies being used. Social Media activities that occur on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIN have become searchable within the Google index and relate directly to your website. Therefore social media has become a part of organic traffic and considered a part of Search Engine Optimization. When searchers perform various query searches within Google there will be a section included in the SERPs that will provide the user with social media results for your website.
Social Media Working Together with SEO
Alot of people are still having trouble understanding how Search Engine Optimization ties into social media. Organic SEO is all about having a properly optimized website that includes rich Content, Meta Data, Layout, & Navigation. When engaging your website with Social Media activities across platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIN it’s all about providing valuable content to your Fans, Followers, & Connections. This is where Social Media comes into place and works together with Search Engine Optimization to create more visibility and authority for your primary domain. A proper content management system such as Joomla, WordPress, or Drupal will ensure that your content from your website will be broadcasted to these individual social media platforms. It’s an ideal strategy when seeking to target and social media audience and create awareness for your brand.
Social Media & SEO – Facebook
When broadcasting the content from your website or blog on Facebook you’ll want to consider using a few important elements to create more visibility and authority. These are essential tools for social media working together with Search Engine Optimization and should be a must have for any website owner serious in creating proper brand awareness.
- Fan Page – a must have for any business owner or individual seeking to raise awareness and create visibility. There are various ways that you can utilize the full potential of your Facebook Fan Page. A few of them include Content, User Interaction, Networking. The Help Center section of Faceobok has great tutorials that will provide you information on how to get started with your new fan page.
- RSS Feed – ensure that you are broadcast your RSS feed from your website directly onto your Facebook Fan Page. This will ensure a continuous flow of fresh content directly from your website and maximize the interaction process with your visitors. There are various ways to broadcast your RSS feed on to your fan page.
- Theme – when broadcasting content onto your fan page ensure consistency. Make sure that your audience/fans are interested only the information that you are providing. Individual topics and content segments should relate to your industry, products, & services.
Social Media & SEO – Twitter
Twitter may be a playground for fun but for others utilized as business tool. If you’re foreign to this social media platform I suggest that you re-evaluate its potential and become involved. Like any other social media platform out there your primary goal is social networking & interaction. There are a few recommended methods to guide you on how you should be maximizing the potential of Twitter.
- Account – you need to distinguish whether your Twitter account will be used for personal or business use. Mixing business with pleasure is simply a bad combination and that applies to social media as well. Your Twitter Account for business shouldn’t be utilized in the interaction with friends and buddies and vice versa for your personal account. Sending the wrong message can backfire at you and cost you a potential lead. Identify the usage of your Twitter account from the start and be consistent with it.
- Content – when using Twitter for business you’ll want to ensure that you’re pushing the content from your website onto the platform itself. Ensure that your RSS Feed has been implemented and being broadcasts properly. Engage in full usage of the RT/Reply/Hashtags to promote and spread the word on other valuable content. Compliment your followers when you find the need to do so by commenting on their tweets.
- Lists – one of the newest features that Twitter offers is the creation of lists. These particular Twitter Lists consist of qualified individuals or companies that you find valuable. There are almost meant to help improve the overall functionality of your account and help eliminate some of the clutter. Utilize these efficiently as it will help build your network.
Social Media & SEO – LinkedIN
There are over 75 million business professionals floating around and eager to connect with others. The potential on LinkedIN is tremendous and can provide value in the form of revenue if utilized properly. Like the other two social media platforms LinkedIN offers unique ways of interaction. Some of them are listed below and I hope that they help you properly configure your website to function like this.
- Network – make it a habit to engage and communicate with members that have similar interests. Identify potential prospects by evaluating their individual industry and how it pertains to your own. Avoid connection requests from companies or individuals you may not know. It could be a potential negative flag in the longhaul as unwanted information may appear in your activity stream.
- Groups – engage in discussions via available groups that have been created by other members. Share your wealth and knowledge by showing others what your capabilities are, how you do it better, and why you do it better than your competition. Create your own group if you feel the need arises and interact with fellow members.
- RSS Feed – publish the feed from your website directly onto your network. This will help establish visibility, awareness, & create authority. Members within your network will appreciate the content you’re sharing with them and will engage with it accordingly.
- Blog – take full advantage of the blogging application available within LinkedIN. Broadcast the content from your blog directly to your network letting others within have access to the rich information you are providing.
If you’re serious in making a serious impact via Social Media and Search Engine Optimization consider implementing some of these strategies if you haven’t done so already. You’ll be surprised at the increase of visibility, lead generation, and overall performance of your website.