Have you ever wondered whether or not your website or blog is up to par with the major Search Engine Robots? Yeah, well it’s a question for many website owners that are spending thousands or even millions of dollars for proper Search Engine Optimization and are missing out on the simplest tools available today on the internet. How about you? Is your website properly optimized to deliver the goods for the search engine robots? There is one quick way that you can find out whether or not your website meets the SEO requirements set forth by Google and/or Yahoo so that it will help you acquire that organic traffic you’ve been aching about.
One of the most popular web browsers on the internet today is Mozilla’s FireFox. In order to proceed any further, you will need to download FireFox for your PC or MAC and install it on your desktop. After you have done so you are only a few short steps away from beginning a short and quick SEO analysis of your website. I would also make sure that you are familiar with how FireFox works before you move along with following the instructions in this post as well. This will help you better understand how Mozilla’s FireFox differs from other browsers, its Add-Ons, Themes, and other functions.
SEO for FireFox Add-On Extension
It’s by far one of the best hidden add-on options for a browser that most people are not aware of. Used by over 130,000 webmasters across the Globe this particular Mozilla FireFox Add-On Extension opens up the hidden alleyways to optimizing your website for SEO standards. Grab your copy of SEO for FireFox and install it in your FireFox browser. SEO for FireFox delivers on page visualization of the way your website is optimized and visible to search engine crawlers. Some of the information you will be able to acquire consists of:
- Meta Data
- Heading Tags
- Body Content
- Internal / External Links
- Follow and No Follow Page Information
- …and much, much more!
Below is a short video that you can preview if you are unsure of how to use this add-on for your FireFox browser.