joomla-1.5Getting started with Joomla 1.5 is actually easier than most people think.  Even a Novice will be able  to setup a Fresh Installation of Joomla 1.5 in a matter of minutes.  Joomla opens the doors to unlimited capabilities in building your own website with countless functions and options.  Out of the box you will have a default theme that is actually pretty clean to work with and good enough for you to setup your baseline.

Below I have outlined in a two-part video tutorial the exact steps you will need to take in order to setup your Joomla 1.5.15 version website.  First, you can follow the textual instructions on how to get started and later on down below in this post you can follow along with the two short videos.

Installing Joomla 1.5.15 on Your Web Server – Part 1

  1. Make sure that you have an active Linux Shared Hosting environment setup and ready to go for your installation.
  2. Technical Requirements – your web hosting environment needs to meet a set of specific Technical Requirements for Joomla in order for you to install it properly.  Without these your new Joomla website may malfunction or perhaps not even install on your website.  Find a like of Joomla Technical Requirements before you proceed any further.
  3. cPanel – login to your cPanel area of your Linux Shared Hosting Environment using the credentials provided by your web hosting provider.
  4. MySQL Database – you will need to create a new MySQL Database and a user associated with it.  You will need to ensure that you have given proper privileges for the user of the database (See Video 1 Below) prior to proceeding any further.  The newly created MySQL Database will store all of the content for the entire Joomla website.
  5. cPanel File Manager – click on the “File Manager” icon in your cPanel to navigate to the root web structure of your web hosting account.
    1. Option 1 – you can install Joomla in the root directory of your web hosting environment if it will be the only website that you will be hosting on this particular hosting account.  This is usually inside your (/public_html) or (/www) directory depending on which one your web host has instructed you on.
    2. Option 2 – create a sub-folder inside your web root where you will be unpacking the files for your Joomla installation.
  6. Upload Files – after choosing Option 1 or Option 2 above go ahead and upload the .zip file that you have downloaded from Click on the ZIP file and then select the “Extract File Contents” option on the right-hand side to Inflate all files included in the packaged zipped file.
    1. After inflating all files you can select the .zip file package and click on the “Delete” button to remove it.
    2. NOTE: Your version of Joomla 1.5.x may vary from this tutorial although the installation process remains same.

Continue to Fresh Installation of Joomla 1.5.15 – Part Two