Installing Joomla 1.5.15 on Your Web Server – Part 2

  1. STEP 1 – Choose Your Language – in your browser’s Address Bar type in You should be presented with Step 1 of 7 in the Joomla 1.5 installation where you will be asked to select the default language.
    1. IMPORTANT: You must include the “www” in the URL when you are typing it in your browser’s Address Bar.
    2. IMPORTANT: Assuming that you already have a properly configured domain and a pointed DNS as well.
  2. STEP 2 – Pre Installation Check – there are a set of pre-requisites that must match with your web hosting environment and on this particular page the only red NO that you should see is next to your configuration.php not writable text.
  3. STEP 3 – GNU General Public License – make sure that you read thru and review the license text to ensure that you are familiar with Joomla’s requirements.
  4. STEP 4 – Database – on this page you will need to enter the credentials for your newly created MySQL Database that you made earlier in Video 1.
    1. Database Type – choose “mysql” from the drop-down menu.
    2. Host Name – type in “localhost” and without the parenthesis.  It may also be a particular IP address although you can double-check with your web host about this.
    3. MySQL Username – enter the username of the user you created that is associated with your MySQL Database.  Make sure that you include the prefix as well.
    4. Password – enter the password for the user associated with your Joomla MySQL Database.
    5. Database Name – enter the MySQL Database name you created in your cPanel for your Joomla Installation including the prefix.
  5. STEP 5 – FTP Configuration – leave this option default or ensure that the “No” radio button is checked just to be sure.
  6. STEP 6 – Configuration – on this page you will enter details about your new Joomla website.
    1. Site Name – this will be the Default Title Tag for your entire Joomla website.
    2. Your E-Mail – include an e-mail address that you will want to use for the Admin account.  This must be a valid account as well.
      1. NOTE: This particular account will be the default and has the highest privileges over your Joomla web application including Frontend and Backend access.
    3. Admin Password – enter a password that you will remember for the Admin account.
    4. Confirm Admin Password – confirm the password that you entered in the Admin Password field.
    5. Install Default Sample Data –  you have two options here and you can decide on which one suits you best below.
      1. Option 1 – by clicking on the “Install Sample Data” button your Joomla installation will be populated with sample content that comes out of the box.
        1. Pros – you can get a better idea of how Sections, Categories, and Pages are structured via the backend and help you better structure your own installation.
        2. Cons – you may have to delete certain Sections, Categories, and/or Pages later on since you will have no use of them.
      2. Option 2 – leave the Install Default Sample Data radio button checked without clicking on the Install Sample Data button below.
  7. STEP 7 – Finish – this is the final step of your installation process and one that requires some action on your part.
    1. Installation – you will need to remove the Installation directory folder that came with your Joomla package completely.  You can do this either by FTP or using the File Manager of your cPanel Administration.
    2. Configuration.php – open up Notepad or any other equivalent text editor of your choice and past the PHP snippet code in the frame of this page into it.  Save the file as “configuration.php” and upload it to the root location of your Joomla website.

You are finished! Click on the “Site” button in the upper right-hand side of Step 7 to view your newly installed Joomla 1.5.15 website.

Welcome to Joomla 1.5.15

If you have not encountered any problems along the way in this tutorial then you should have a fully functional Joomla website at this point.  Your average installation time should range between 10-20 minutes depending on your technical skills.  Hopefully this tutorial has helped you and you have found it useful in attempting to create your own Joomla website using the web installation.

Contact me at anytime if you should need assistance in this process.  I also offer Joomla Web Development services, Consultation, and Troubleshooting.

I look forward to hearing from you!