It appears that many of you have been searching my blog for registration webform with Joomla and some of you may have left confused. There are several other posts that I have posted that included the words “web”, “form”, and “web form”. One thing that I have decided to do starting in February 2010 is to address the #1 searched keyword phrase on my blog which happens to be registration webform with Joomla. At the end of each month I will address the number one most searched phrase or keyword term for which you have been aiming to find a solution for on my blog.
Enhanced Registration WebForm for Joomla 1.5.x [Monthly Exclusive]
For the month of February 2010 it appears that many of you are wondering how to create a web form to enhance the registration process of your users in the Joomla Content Management System. By default Joomla 1.5.x CMS offers a fairly clean registration form that does the job just fine. Although for websites that are seeking the professional approach, sell products, or services than you may be interested in a registration form for your users that asks for more detailed information. Some common additional fields that most website owners seek from their visitors are First Name, Last Name, Age, Country, Occupation, Birth Date, and More. The Terms Of Use or Privacy Policy may also be an important part of how you wish to communicate with your visitors and in which case this may be a required step in the registration process.
Enhancing the default registration form of your Joomla Content Management System website is actually quite easy. To do this you will need the latest copy of JUser Extended Registration Component. This component is no longer a paid version therefore you can download it for free at your own will. You can find a full list of features of JUser Extended Registration Component which will also outline some of its more enhanced features. Here are the files that are included in the zipped file:
- Component – you will need to install this first via the backend of your Joomla 1.5 website. Follow directions and you will have this setup in a matter of minutes.
- Modules – the zipped file will include a custom Module that you will also need to install via the backend of your Joomla 1.5 website. Post installation make sure that you disable the default Joomla 1.5 Login Module and enable this one.
If I can be of any assistance in helping you setup this component feel free to contact me. Some installation of this component may not go as smooth although it’s more likely due to the individual installation of your Joomla Content Management System website.