Ep 010 | Must VS Want with Ivan Temelkov | 03.27.2023
Doing what you MUST do instead of what you WANT to do isn’t what most people in society are willing to do. In fact, most people act on their emotions and choose to do the things they WANT to do instead of the things they MUST do.
Emotional actions based on WANTS in life, business, relationships, or just about anything does not yield to progress. It does not yield to evolving into the best version of yourself. On this solo episode I share the things you have to understand about doing the things you MUST do in order to progress.
key lessons from this episode
- Doing what you WANT to do isn’t often what you MUST do.
- Find the things that you MUST do in order to progress in life, business, relationships, everything.
- What others are steering you to do isn’t commonly the best option.
- Push yourself to do the things you MUST do especially when you don’t feel like doing them. You’ll thank yourself later.
- The things you MUST do to advance forward are commonly things that aren’t discussed.
Contact Dr. Tracy Kemble
- Dr. Tracy Kemble on Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/drtracykemble
- Dr. Tracey Kemble on Facebook | Https://www.facebook.com/groups/femininebossacademy
- Win Foundation | https://www.winfoundationinterational.org
connect with ivan temelkov
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