How to Add Facebook Stream to Your Joomla Website


Social Media is all over the place at this point.  Individuals and businesses from all over the web are realizing the potential of social conversation.  When it comes to bringing your Joomla website to Life and sharing your content you should probably consider adding a Facebook stream to your page.  There are many plugins and modules out there that can help you add a Facebook stream to your Joomla website although following these simple steps will help you add your FB page stream with an easy and give you some control over it as well.


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Joomla 1.5 & 1.6 Framework for Web Development

YJSG Joomla Framework

As an experienced Joomla web developer you may already know that the content management system in itself contains an extremely powerful platform geared towards the versed developer.  Out of the box Joomla 1.5 & Joomla 1.6 are fitted with powerful core options that can meet just about every website developed need and desire.  Although should you choose to get more creative and explore the full potential of the Joomla Content Management System then you’ll find that a framework may be a better choice for you.


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Joomla meets WordPress: CMS & Blogging Made Easy

Joomla has been crowned as the World’s #1 Content Management System for the last couple of years in a row.  It is the one Open Source Solution that delivers the most functionality out of the box for building a professional web presence.  The best part is that it remains free to download and use under the GNU/GPL License Guidelines.  While Joomla 1.0 and 1.5 offer a blog feature post installation the default blog component has limited functionality and remains rarely used.  One particular feature that users have come across in demanding is an improved blog component for the Joomla Content Management System.


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Building with a Content Management System


Recently I have had the privilege of taking on a position that involves a lot of custom code programming.  A position where I see myself applying my knowledge and experience while growing mutually with a great company.  Some of my daily tasks include creative thinking and implementation of PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS, & JavaScript for various websites. I’m a huge fan of web development for many reasons and considering the chain of events thought that it’s a great opportunity for a new post on my blog.  The web development World is continuously evolving as new tools become available to developers and programmers in assisting them with building new web solutions.  Building with a Content Management System such as Joomla, Drupal, or WordPress can have a significant impact on your deliverable.


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Joomla 1.5 CMS: Template Installation Tutorial

Joomla 1.5 Template Installation

Installing your new Joomla website is only the first step toward unlocking the full potential of this amazing Content Management System.  Out of the box Joomla 1.5 comes with three pre-installed template themes that are ready to use.  When developing your own personal or commercial website using Joomla Content Management System most users are particularly concerned with the look and feel.  An attractive website will draw new visitors and appeal even better to your returning visitors.  It’s important that you find a template that includes all functionality that your website will offer to your visitors.  A two or three column layout template are most common nowadays as they provide a clean look and structure of your content.


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RSS Feeds Magic with Joomla

RSS Feeds for Joomla

Recently when I was working on building the new Web Partners Worldwide, LLC. website I ran into a couple of interesting barriers that I had to cross.  Frankly I’m glad that I stumbled upon this otherwise I wouldn’t have found a solution for it.  When you are working on compiling your website or blog an important part of it should be the RSS Syndication of your content.  Setting up an RSS Feed can be tricky and if it hasn’t been properly configured it may not work at all.


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Joomla SEO for Your Website: Getting Started

Joomla SEO

Setting up your new Joomla website is only the first step to unlocking hidden potentials and opening up a new door on the Web with your web presence.  As voted by the online community in 2009, Joomla CMS still remains the #1 Content Management System in the World by preference of users and function availability.  Recently the latest version of Joomla 1.5 was released which truly shined and validated its capabilities to deliver the goods.  One of the components that your Joomla website should have is proper Search Engine Optimization.  Getting found in search engines such as Google and Yahoo means a great deal to your web presence and in particularly help you acquire organic traffic.


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What is Joomla?

Joomla is the largest, most flexible, and Award-Winning Open Source Content Management System that allows you to store large amounts of content data via a database of your choice.  Its…

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