While you were sleeping or wondering what this thing called “The Internet” has to offer, the rest of the World has been aiming to say connected. That’s right! From North America to South Africa, Europe to Australia, China to Canada…staying connected and informed while gaining new acquaintances. Being connected can lead to potential new prospects, leads, or even the expansion of your business. It could keep you closer to family, friends, and open doors to new adventures.
Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo, and AIM! Never heard of them? Well, if you haven’t then perhaps the following will seem boring to you and you will completely miss the point. Still with me here? Great! The above mentioned are a combination of social media networks and instant messaging clients that are available for FREE to download and communicate with people around the World. One particular client that offers connectivity to these particular networks is the well hidden edge-leading Digsby IM client.
What is Digsby?
Digsby is an application in the likes of other competing instant messaging clients available on the Web today that lets you stay connected with several networks. Currently Digsby is a Windows Operating System compliant software application that gives the capability to stay connected with your favorite social networks and instant messenger clients.
The development of a MAC OS X and Linux Digsby version is current in the making and should be available soon. Those of you that are on the advanced technical side of things will soon too be able to enjoy the power of this ultimate and powerful application.
What does Digsby do? How will it help me stay connected?
These are probably a couple of questions that may be crossing your mind at this point. Patience, patience….the answer is coming for you! Well, now that I have your attention let’s get complicated and let you know how you can get started with your own Digsby. You will need to visit the Official Digsby Website and download the actual client for your version of Windows before you can get started to explore the unique capabilities of this amazing application.
Some of the main core features of the Digsby IM Client:
- Facebook – view a live stream of your “Live Feed” or “News Feed” in a stream window directly on the desktop of your computer. No need to log in to your Facebook account if you are simply aching to monitor your activity, update your status, or continue leading a powerful conversation. Whatever you may be up to, Digsby delivers the data you’re eagerly seeking by the simple point-and-click.
- MySpace – stay connected with your friends in a quick view at your Desktop. Digsby providers you with a full stream of activity from within your account. Find New Friend Requests, Comment Approvals, New E-Mail, and Much More simply by hover over the MySpace account within Digsby itself.
- Twitter – no worries on monitoring your tweets and Twitter activity. Digsby has you covered by providing you with a full quick view stream activity of your Twitter account. See your latest tweets, re-tweets, new followers, and more. Make change to your Twitter account from within Digsby without having to launch a web browser.
- E-Mail – setup all of your POP e-mail clients and view status of each as new e-mails come in. The advanced notification setup of Digsby will notify you when a new e-mail has come thru, the sender, and subject line. Simply point-and-click to open the home page of your e-mail provider and respond to individual e-mails. Digsby is compliant with Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, GMail, or any other Third party e-mail account you may have.
- MSN Messenger, AIM, Google Talk, Jabber, & Facebook Chat – blend in all of your IM clients into one application where you can quickly navigate and communicate with your Friends and Contact List. View the Status of your Contacts instantly and as early as they sign on or off.
While I can sit here and talk about how great the Digsby IM Client really is you can find a full list of all Digsby features and decide for yourself whether or not it will serve you well. There are simply one too many things that this particular application is capable of doing to list in this post.
Personally I love using it and so far have not found a client that can do as much as this tiny little application can do for my Social Media, Instant Messenger, and Web Interaction tasks.
Staying connected? Well, I’ll leave that up to you although only hope that you will find the Digsby IM Client as helpful as I did. Feel free to shoot me your feedback and let me know your experience with it.